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My Experience in Education

“No No, I’m not going to uni” 


The Story of My Previous Education …

The story of my previous education isn’t very interesting, which ironically is what I thought of education up until the start of this year. I went to a good primary school and got good grades for my age, pushing on top sets for most subjects (all but English- yes, the irony). the dynamic however changed when I went to secondary school at the age of 13.I started my first term in the top sets for most subjects, but completely lost interest and by the end of the year and reluctantly was dropped into the middles or even low sets. I messed around and found that I could have more fun at school if that’s what I wanted; this phase lasted until the term before I took my GCSE’s when it was shown to me that I had completely wasted the past 3 and a half years of my education for no subsequent reason.

My school ran a scheme for failing boys called BIGS, to which they put 25 boys into teams of 5 and the winners would get a prize such as go-karting, this scheme, in the last term of my secondary education along with a small handful of teachers are the reason I passed my GCSE’s. The past 3 years put me in a hard spot to get into the feeder sixth form for my school and the subjects I was looking to take would not allow me on due to my grades, business A-level was not available as I got a merit in the GCSE, so they turned me down and only allowed me into. PE was meant to be the same until one day over summer I got a call from a teacher, who was involved in the BIGS scheme just the year before and he gave me a HUGE handout and a spot on the course of I promised to work hard.

The sixth form for me was a blur, safe to say the first year of more freedom was the best year of my life. work rate depleted and life got in the way. by the second year, I was playing catch up (again) fighting to stay in my classes, I had attendance reports and grade reports which I had opted for, to show I really was committed to stay and get my qualifications. This final year had me beat, I got decent grades and learnt a lot about myself and by the end had decided that education was finished and university “could never be me!”